Parents are asked to fill out the enrollment form ONLINE for their children in grades 1st and above to be enrolled in our Faith Formation lessons for the coming year.
2 year preparation program starting in 1st grade
no more than 2 absences
Meet 2 x a month after 9:45am Mass
FHC students and parents must come to the 9:45am mass only twice a month (normally the first and third Sundays of the month). The homily (English) will be directed to the children’s level.
After the 9:45am mass (twice a month), there will be a 20–40-minute class:
1. FHC 1 will go with the teacher to receive basic religious education.
2. FHC 2 will stay in the church to receive religious education in preparation to receive the sacrament, with all the parents from FHC 1 and 2.
2 year preparation program starting in 7th grade
no more than 3 absences
Meets after 9:45am Mass
from 10:45am - 12pm
Any Questions please contact:
St. Ann Black Rock’s Corner Store is open! The Corner Store is packed with great Catholic treasures and gifts. A variety of crucifixes, books, prayer aids, statues, jewelry, art, candles, medals and more fill every corner of our little store. Open for 30 minutes after each weekday mass and weekend Masses (Vigil and Sunday), the store is located in its own designated room inside the church.
Located in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport, the St. Ann Corner Store is filling a need for a Catholic bookstore in Southern Fairfield County.
Questions please call 203-368-1607 or email