"You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf
for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many."
2 Corinthians 1:11
The Mass Intention Book for the 2025 calendar year is open:
We will be accepting intention request dates through December 31, 2025
Do you have loved ones for whom you would like a Mass offered?
The Eucharistic Prayers remind us that every Mass is for all of us and for our loved ones who have died, as we are all part of the Communion of Saints. Offering specific Mass intentions for loved ones has been a beautiful and meaningful part of our Catholic tradition for centuries. In our parish, we have many requests for scheduling such Mass intentions. We try to honor these to the best of our ability and in accordance with the Code of Canon Law for the universal Catholic Church.
Mass Intentions will be honored in the Parish office on a first-come, first-served basis. Specific Mass dates can be requested, however, if that date has already been taken, you will be contacted by the parish office to choose another date.
A $10 stipend is suggested per Mass intention. A Mass offering may be more than the suggested stipend. Checks may be written to: St. Ann Church Memo: Mass Intention. If you are dropping a check in the mail or collection basket, please include a note indicating the intention requests.
Please remember the Mass Intentions are a request. Once the Mass is scheduled we will do our best to celebrate the Mass on the day and time scheduled. However, Mass dates and times are subject to change due to changes in our priest’s schedules and circumstances beyond our control. In this case, the next available date and time will be scheduled.
We appreciate your understanding of this policy as we try to serve you and your spiritual needs. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with the parish office at 203-368-1607 or office@stannblackrock.com
St. Ann Black Rock’s Corner Store is open! The Corner Store is packed with great Catholic treasures and gifts. A variety of crucifixes, books, prayer aids, statues, jewelry, art, candles, medals and more fill every corner of our little store. Open for 30 minutes after each weekday mass and weekend Masses (Vigil and Sunday), the store is located in its own designated room inside the church.
Located in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport, the St. Ann Corner Store is filling a need for a Catholic bookstore in Southern Fairfield County.
Questions please call 203-368-1607 or email office@stannblackrock.com