Forget the checkbook and make tithing simple for you and your family. With Online Giving, you can give back to your church whenever and wherever with the simple click of a button from your computer or smart device.
Online Giving even makes tax time easier. The donations you make with Online Giving are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year.
More benefits of Online Giving include:
If you have additional questions regarding Online Giving, feel free to contact the parish office.
St. Ann Black Rock’s Corner Store is open! The Corner Store is packed with great Catholic treasures and gifts. A variety of crucifixes, books, prayer aids, statues, jewelry, art, candles, medals and more fill every corner of our little store. Open for 30 minutes after each weekday mass and weekend Masses (Vigil and Sunday), the store is located in its own designated room inside the church.
Located in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport, the St. Ann Corner Store is filling a need for a Catholic bookstore in Southern Fairfield County.
Questions please call 203-368-1607 or email